Results for 'Dugald R. Murdoch'

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  1.  3
    Complementary: A Study of Bohr's Philosophy of Quantum Physics.Dugald R. Murdoch - 1980
  2. Letter to Mersenne: 16 October 1639.R. Descartes - 1991 - In René Descartes, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. 3: Correspondence, trans. by John G. Cottingham, Robert Stoothof, Dugald Murdoch, and Anthony Kenny. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Health Misinformation and the Power of Narrative Messaging in the Public Sphere.Timothy Caulfield, Alessandro R. Marcon, Blake Murdoch, Jasmine M. Brown, Sarah Tinker Perrault, Jonathan Jarry, Jeremy Snyder, Samantha J. Anthony, Stephanie Brooks, Zubin Master, Christen Rachul, Ubaka Ogbogu, Joshua Greenberg, Amy Zarzeczny & Robyn Hyde-Lay - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):52-60.
    Numerous social, economic and academic pressures can have a negative impact on representations of biomedical research. We review several of the forces playing an increasingly pernicious role in how health and science information is interpreted, shared and used, drawing discussions towards the role of narrative. In turn, we explore how aspects of narrative are used in different social contexts and communication environments, and present creative responses that may help counter the negative trends. As traditional methods of communication have in many (...)
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  4. Niels Bohr's philosophy of physics.Dugald Murdoch - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Murdoch describes the historical background of the physics from which Bohr's ideas grew; he traces the origins of his idea of complementarity and discusses its meaning and significance. Special emphasis is placed on the contrasting views of Einstein, and the great debate between Bohr and Einstein is thoroughly examined. Bohr's philosophy is revealed as being much more subtle, and more interesting than is generally acknowledged.
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    Bohr.Dugald Murdoch - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith, A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 26–30.
    One of the most influential physicists of the twentieth century, Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen on 7 October 1885, and died there on 18 November 1962. He came of a well‐to‐do, cultivated family, his father being Professor of Physiology at Copenhagen University, where Bohr himself received his education in physics. After taking his doctorate in 1911, Bohr went to Cambridge University to continue his research on the theory of electrons under Sir J. J. Thomson. After several months in Cambridge, (...)
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    Exclusion and abstraction in Descartes' metaphysics.Dugald Murdoch - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (170):38-57.
  7. (1 other version)The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1.John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch (eds.) - 1629 - Cambridge University Press.
    A completely new translation of the works of Descartes is intended to replace the Haldane and Ross edition, first published in 1911. All material from that edition is translated here, with a number of other texts crucial for understanding Cartesian philosophy.
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  8. The cartesian circle.Dugald Murdoch - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (2):221-244.
    This paper suggests that the appearance of circularity in descartes' arguments is due to a lack of precision in his statements of them, Rather than to any flaw in his reasoning. The clear and distinct perceptions presupposed in the demonstrations of the existence of God are not the same as those whose reliability depends upon the existence of god. He is presupposing the reliability only of those clear and distinct perceptions which are known through the light of nature and have (...)
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    The Bohr-Einstein Dispute.Dugald Murdoch - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse, Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 303--324.
  10. Induction, Hume, and Probability.Dugald Murdoch - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):185-199.
  11. Descartes : the real distinction.Dugald Murdoch - 2009 - In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron, The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics. New York: Routledge.
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    Einstein versus Bohr: The Continuing Controversies in PhysicsMendel Sachs.Dugald Murdoch - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):597-597.
  13. The Philosophical Writings.John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):94-96.
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  14.  41
    Descartes: Selected Philosophical Writings.John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch & Anthony Kenny (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the new and much acclaimed two-volume Cambridge edition of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes by Cottingham, Stoothoff and Murdoch, this anthology of essential texts contains the most important and widely studied of those writings, including the Discourse and Meditations and substantial extracts from the Regulae, Optics, Principles, Objectives and Replies, Comments on a Broadsheet, and Passions of the Soul. In clear, readable, modern English, with a full text and running references to the standard Franco-Latin edition of Descartes, (...)
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  15. Symposium: Vision and Choice in Morality.R. W. Hepburn & Iris Murdoch - 1956 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 30 (1):14 - 58.
  16.  26
    (1 other version)The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 3, the Correspondence.John Cottingham, Dugald Murdoch, Robert Stoothoff & Anthony Kenny (eds.) - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    Volumes I and II provide a completely new translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. Volume III contains 207 of Descartes' letters, over half of which have not been translated into English before. It incorporates, in its entirety, Anthony Kenny's celebrated translation of selected philosophical letters, first published in 1970. In conjunction with Volumes I and II it is designed to meet the widespread demand for a comprehensive, accurate and authoritative edition (...)
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    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 2.John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch (eds.) - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    These two volumes provide a translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. They are intended to replace the only reasonably comprehensive selection of his works in English, by Haldane and Ross, first published in 1911. All the works included in that edition are translated here, together with a number of additional texts crucial for an understanding of Cartesian philosophy, including important material from Descartes' scientific writings. The result should meet the widespread (...)
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  18.  51
    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes.John Carriero, Paul Hoffman, John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (1):93.
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    The Fire and the Sun.R. W. Hepburn & Iris Murdoch - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (112):269.
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    The law and problematic marketing by private umbilical cord blood banks.Blake Murdoch, Alessandro R. Marcon & Timothy Caulfield - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundPrivate umbilical cord blood banking is a for-profit industry in which parents pay to store blood for potential future use. Governments have noted the tendency for private banks to oversell the potential for cord blood use, especially in relation to speculative cell therapies not yet supported by clinical evidence. We assessed the regulatory landscape governing private cord bank marketing in Canada.Main bodyBecause the problematic marketing of private cord blood banking for future use often relates to speculative future cell therapies that (...)
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  21. Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theones.Christoph Lüthy, John E. Murdoch & William R. Newman - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):565-566.
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  22. The Arthur Prior memorial conference, Christchurch, 1989.B. J. Copeland & D. R. Murdoch - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):372-382.
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    New books. [REVIEW]J. N. Findlay, Iris Murdoch, A. C. A. Rainer, G. J. Warnock, John Holloway, G. C. Stead, R. I. Aaron, P. T. Geach, A. H. Armstrong, R. H. Thouless, R. J. Spilsbury & W. B. Gallie - 1950 - Mind 59 (234):262-284.
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    Living slaves. S.r. joshel, L.h. Petersen the material life of Roman slaves. Pp. XVI + 286, ills, maps, colour pls. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2014. Cased, £65, us$99. Isbn: 978-0-521-19164-7. [REVIEW]Carly Murdoch - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (1):217-218.
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  25. Iris Murdoch and the philosophical novel: The testimony of John Bayley.R. Gilardi - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 94 (2):315-345.
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  26. Iris Murdoch, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals.R. Smith - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27:91-97.
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  27. New books. [REVIEW]G. H. von Wright, A. C. Lloyd, Stephen Toulmin, J. J. C. Smart, J. Z. Young, G. J. Whitrow, Mario M. Rossi, R. J. Spilsbury, Iris Murdoch & B. Mayo - 1950 - Mind 59 (233):116-133.
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    The “historical question” at the end of the Scottish Enlightenment: Dugald Stewart on the natural origin of religion, universal consent, and religious diversity.R. J. W. Mills - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (4):529-554.
    This study examines the leading early nineteenth-century Scottish moral philosopher Dugald Stewart’s discussion of the origin and development of religion. Stewart developed his account in his final work, The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man (1828), in an effort to show that the fact that polytheism was the first religion of humankind does not undermine the truth of monotheism. He wrote in response to similar discussions presented in David Hume’s “Natural History of Religion” (1757), which argued (...)
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    Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America: John Emery Murdoch.Michael R. McVaugh, Edith D. Sylla & Edward Grant - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):855-857.
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    The Sovereignty of Good. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):133-133.
    Iris Murdoch's philosophic essays have been infrequent, but extremely distinguished and subtle. This book consists of three essays previously published, "The Idea of Perfection," "On 'God' and 'Good'," and "The Sovereignty of Good Over Other Concepts." Running through all three essays is a gentle critique of some of the main currents of twentieth century moral philosophy--in its British analytical and continental existentialist varieties. Miss Murdoch is very sensitive to the depth similarities of what is frequently considered to be (...)
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    Mysticism and Vocation.James R. Home - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    We tend to think that a person who is both reasonable and moral can have a good life. What constitutes a life that is not only good but superlative, or even “marvellous” or “holy”? Those who have such lives are called sages, heroes or saints, and their lives can display great integrity as well as integration with a transformative “Spiritual Presence.” Does it follow that saints are perfect people? Is there a common vision that impels them to seek holiness? In (...)
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  32. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch and Anthony Kenny, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume III: The Correspondence Reviewed by.Frederick P. Van De Pitte - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (4):236-237.
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    The problem of humiliation in peer review.Debra R. Comer & Michael Schwartz - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (2):141-156.
    This paper examines the problem of vituperative feedback from peer reviewers. We argue that such feedback is morally unacceptable, insofar as it humiliates authors and damages their dignity. We draw from social-psychological research to explore those aspects of the peer-review process in general and the anonymity of blind reviewing in particular that contribute to reviewers’ humiliating comments. We then apply Iris Murdoch's ideas about a virtuous consciousness and humility to make the case that peer referees have a moral obligation (...)
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  34. Transcendence without reality.John R. Wright - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (3):361-384.
    Thomas Nagel has held that transcendence requires attaining a point of view stripped of features unique to our perspective. The aim of transcendence on this view is to get at reality as it is, independent of our contributions to it. I show this notion of transcendence to be incoherent, yet defend a contrasting notion of transcendence. As conceived here, transcendence does not require striving for an external, objective viewpoint on nature or looking at matters from someone else's or an impartial (...)
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    Forgetting and the task of seeing: Ordinary oblivion, Plato, and ethics.Jennifer R. Rapp - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (4):680-730.
    The gaps, fissures, and lapses of attention in a life—what I call “ordinary oblivions”—are fertile fragilities that present a compelling source for ethics. Plato, not Aristotle, is the ancient philosopher specially poised to speak to this feature of human life. Drawing upon poet C. K. Williams's idea that forgetting is a “looking away” that makes possible “beginning again,” I present a Platonic approach to ethics as an alternative to Aristotelian or virtue ethics. Plato's Phaedrus is a key source text for (...)
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    R. Descartes. The Philosophical Writings. Translated by J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff and D. Murdoch. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1985. 2 vols, pp. xii + 418, ix + 428. ISBN 60-521-2494-X/8. £27.50 each ; £8.95 each. [REVIEW]Alistair Duncan - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (2):232-233.
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    Craft as a Place of Knowing in Natural Law.David M. McCarthy & Charles R. Pinches - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (4):386-408.
    The article offers a proposal about natural law inquiry in terms of knowledge attendant in the practices of a craft. We begin by discussing Aristotle’s analogical use of crafts in considering knowledge of ethics and politics in the Nicomachean Ethics. We inquire further into craft as a way of knowing by consulting the works of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and sociologist Richard Sennett. The framework of a craft is connected to moral realism through an analysis of works by Iris Murdoch (...)
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  38. Review of Dugald Murdoch: Nils Bohr's philosophy of physics. [REVIEW]Peter Forrest - 1989 - Theoria 55 (2):133.
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    Iris Murdoch, Philosopher.Justin Broackes (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Iris Murdoch was a notable philosopher before she was a notable novelist and her work was brave, brilliant, and independent. She made her name first for her challenges to Gilbert Ryle and behaviourism, and later for her book on Sartre, but she had the greatest impact with her work in moral philosophy—and especially her book The Sovereignty of Good. She turned expectantly from British linguistic philosophy to continental existentialism, but was dissatisfied there too; she devised a philosophy and a (...)
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    The Young Darwin and His Cultural Circle. [REVIEW]C.-S. R. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):364-365.
    A study of the influences which helped to shape the language and the logic of Charles Darwin from 1837 to 1844, the period in which he composed the first drafts of the theory of natural selection. The textual basis of this book is provided by two sets of notebooks which deal with the "transmutation of species" and "metaphysics... morals and speculations on expression." That Darwin preferred metaphors borrowed from ordinary language to the technical idiom of other scientific theories Manier attributes (...)
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  41. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. 3: Correspondence, trans. by John G. Cottingham, Robert Stoothof, Dugald Murdoch, and Anthony Kenny.René Descartes - 1991 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes VOLUME 3. Volumes 1 and 2 provide a completely new translation of many of the major works in metaphysics, epistemology, and natural philosophy.
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  42. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff and Dugald Murdoch, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes Reviewed by.Peter A. Schouls - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (5):206-208.
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    Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics. Dugald Murdoch.Jan Faye - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):378-379.
  44.  29
    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. Volume 3: The Correspondence. Rene Descartes, John Cottingham, Robert Soothoff, Dugald Murdoch, Anthony Kenny.Peter Dear - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):663-664.
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  45. Descartes: The philosophical writings. Transl. By John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff and Dugald Murdoch[REVIEW]Desmond M. Clarke - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18:94.
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    Book Review:Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics Dugald Murdoch[REVIEW]Jeffrey Bub - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):344-.
  47.  34
    Edith Dudley Sylla;, William R. Newman . Evidence and Interpretation in Studies on Early Science and Medicine: Essays in Honor of John E. Murdoch. vi + 456 pp., illus., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishing, 2009. $153. [REVIEW]Gad Freudenthal - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):164-166.
  48.  5
    Pre-classical Economists: Pierre le Pesant Boisguilbert (1645-1714), George Berkeley (1685-1753), Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755), Ferdinando Galiani (1727-1787), James Anderson (1739-1808), Dugald Stewart (1753-1828).Mark Blaug - 1991 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Pierre le Pesant Boisguilbert was considered by Marx as one of the founders of classical political economy. His writings contain a large number of concepts and ideas that reappear in the writings of Quesnay, Cantillon and Adam Smith. George Berkeley - a major figure in the history of philosophical idealism - was the author of 'The Querist', a treatise on the nature of Irish under-development and cures for Irish poverty. Baron de Montesquieu - one of the great 18th century polymaths (...)
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  49. Emancipatory Attention.Christopher Mole - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    The aim of this paper is to show that, for the purposes of addressing the epistemic aspects of systemic injustice, we need a notion of emancipatory attention. When the epistemic and ethical elements of an injustice are intertwined, it is a misleading idealisation to think of these epistemological elements as calling for the promotion of knowledge through a rational dialectic. Taking them to instead call for a campaign of consciousness-raising runs into difficulties of its own, when negotiating the twin risks (...)
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  50. A brief history of time consciousness: Historical precursors to James and Husserl.Holly K. Andersen & Rick Grush - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2):277-307.
    William James’ Principles of Psychology, in which he made famous the ‘specious present’ doctrine of temporal experience, and Edmund Husserl’s Zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins, were giant strides in the philosophical investigation of the temporality of experience. However, an important set of precursors to these works has not been adequately investigated. In this article, we undertake this investigation. Beginning with Reid’s essay ‘Memory’ in Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, we trace out a line of development of ideas about (...)
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